Thursday, June 7, 2012

Solo Sail from Matheson Hammock Marina to Boca Chita
This was our first overnight solo sail. A recap of our entire sail can be seen in the video at the bottom of this page.

We left Matheson Hammock at about 12:00 p.m. and sailed 12-15 miles to Boca Chita. It was a great sail and Boca Chita was beautiful. However, we got lucky by barely missing a storm while sailing and not so lucky to have thunderstorms all night long. Also, mosquitoes chased us into our cabins early. The mosquito jacket and mosquito pants we brought were heaven sent and despite the violent boat rocking and loud booms of thunder from the storms, after a few sangria and brandy drinks, I had no problem sleeping through the night!

Lessons learned:
  1. Always bring a mosquito jacket and pants with you when sleeping on any island in the Florida Keys.
  2. Always have a well-supplied stock of alcohol down below.
Map from Matheson Hammock Marina to Boca Chita

We barely dodged this storm. The sailboat in this picture off in the distance didn't get so lucky.
Aerial view of Boca Chita.
Where we docked for the night
Boca Chita lighthouse